Pitkin County is planning a trail from Carbondale to Crested Butte, and the public can check out route options this week.
Open Space and Trails staff has been working with consultants and engineers to determine possible alignments through the Crystal Valley. It’s a narrow river canyon paralleling a state highway, and the valley is also home to wildlife. This presents both environmental and engineering challenges.
Open space and trails staff has two alternatives for each segment of trail: one that follows the highway, and one off-highway option. Several of the off-highway sections could make use of historic routes.
On Tuesday, Pitkin County commissioners and the Open Space and Trails Board will hear a presentation on the Clear Creek Canyon Trail, which staff said faced similar challenges. The public can check out the alternatives at a meeting at the Redstone Inn at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, or at the Carbondale Firehouse at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday.